Frequently Asked Questions
We know you have questions about Scuba Crap!We have answers. Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions about Scuba Crap! If you do not find the answer to your questions below then please contact us! We are in the business of "win-win." We get equipment to restore and give new life to, you get your basement or garage space back. We get something from you to keep people diving, you get to choose other things from our inventory to replace them.
This looks "_______" to me, do you still want it?
Yes. We want whatever you have to be sent to us. We will give you a fair offer and there may be things that you have that other divers have been totally looking forward to seeing listed on Scuba Crap. You will never know what you have or what we are willing to give you for it if you do not send it in to us. We really appreciate DONATIONS if you really do not need to trade or sell your item. If your box will cost more than $50 to ship it and you are not sending it as a donation, please email us prior to shipping it.
What Can I get for my stuff?
This is the most common question we get. The original intent of Scuba Crap is to provide a place for people to exchange scuba gear they may have that they are not using for other gear that may be a better fit. It is also a place for people to donate gear if they are no longer diving and give back to causes related to the sport they once enjoyed. Scuba Crap also gives people the opportunity to afford equipment that they might otherwise not have had an opportunity to purchase.
What's it worth?
Your equipment that you send to Scuba Crap is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it after the necessary repairs are done to it. While not always true in all cases, the older the equipment, the less it is worth. We understand that you may have paid a lot of money for your equipment, and we hope that you got a lot of use out of it. Just like most things in life, as it ages and as it is used, the value diminishes. In some cases you may be pleasantly surprised how much you item is worth, in other cases you may be dissappointed. If you are not using it, all that matters is that it is taking up space in your life that can be used for other things. The most important thing you can do with dive equipment is to use it so we want you to dive. In almost every case, we give more for you to trade your item than for us to buy it from you.
Will you take offers on what you are selling?
Yes. We will consider offers on our listings. Just contact us and let us know the item you are interested in and we will see what we can work out. We are more prone to giving discounts on multiple item purchases but we make deals when we can. Our goal is to get you what you need to keep diving!
What happens once you get the stuff we send in?
The processing of any equipment that we get for Trade, Sale or Donation is not as simple as you may think. Once we open the box we take a inventory of what is in the box, we do a general evaluation to get a better understanding of condition, we price out what it will cost to make the item sellable, useable and able to be warrantied, we research what the typical selling price of the item in today's market is, and the expected time and money it will take to make it ready to go. If the item is life support, we look to see that the parts are still available and that the items are still able to be serviced. For Donations, we document the information for letting people know what their item sold for and who it was donated to. For the others we service them and get them listed on our site as soon as we can.
How do you evaluate the condition?
Since condition of scuba equipment is very subjective, we have criteria that we use to make our evaluation consistent. at Scuba Crap we understand what it takes to make equipment useable, and we also understand what equipment should be discarded. In any case our opinion of a product is based primarily on its resale/ reuse potential. If we cannot get it to a condition that we can warranty, a condition where we would allow our own family to use it, it is scrapped or recycled and we are out what we paid you for it. This link will better explain our Evaluation Criteria
What do you do with stuff that can't be fixed?
Once we find that we cannot repair or make functional we recycle it in a manner that is good for the environment.